Second Language Immersion Programs
Language Together™
Children from 6 months to 3 years are immersed in the second language together with parent or caregiver. Levels I & II. Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin. $330 per session.
Language for Kids™
Experience the world in the second language with the Little Language League's interactive international curriculum where children are immersed in the target language through role-play, games, and imaginative journeys to far away lands. Little Language League accompanying course materials are included. Levels I, II, III. Spanish, French, Italian, Mandarin. $399 per session.
Shine theater™ (Spanish III and French III)
Embark on a creative journey through the elements of theater: voice-work, choreography, mime, improvisation, and stage presence. This in-depth program not only teaches acting fundamentals, but also encourages the development of leadership skills and self-confidence. Spanish or French (K-grade 10). $399 per session
Parent/Child classes
A great way to reinforce your child's learning is to learn with him/her. This program caters to the parent who also wants to experience our immersion program. Spanish or French. $399//child per session. $199/parent per session.
Language through theater™
The Little Language League invites you to join us in a place where trees dance and buckets hold buried treasure. Imagine learning a second language entirely through the magic of theater. Rise, speak, and act, all in the second language. Children don't just learn vocabulary, they become it. Spanish, French, or Italian (K-grade 8). $399 per session.
Spanish Kindergarten™
Designed to complement the literacy skills a kindergartener is acquiring in English. Phonemic awareness, reading and writing skills are brought to life in an dynamic approach that includes theater and role-play. Read more
A truly unique preschool experience that combines the gentleness of a multi-arts approach with the literacy focus necessary for kindergarten all in the second language. Spanish, French, Italian or Mandarin. Read more
Enroll in a Class
You can enroll by filling out the enrollment form and send it to us with your check at Little Language League, 22 Purdy Avenue, Rye, NY 10580 or if you prefer to register by phone, call (914) 921-9075.
(You'll need Adobe Reader to view this enrollment form)
Spaces not paid for will not be held for your child.